Open Access
Statistics of undevelop ed speckles in partially polarized light
Published online: 24 February 2010
Organized by Observatoire de Paris (LESIA and GEPI) and ONERA in the framework of their Phase partnership, the first international conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes took place in Paris from 22 to 26 June 2009.
It received 183 registered participants to attend the 63 oral presentations and 40 posters.
Paris, France, 22-26 June 2009
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Open Access
Statistics of undevelop ed speckles in partially polarized lightPublished online: 24 February 2010
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Open Access
Use of AO PSF models for the Study of Resolved Stellar PopulationsPublished online: 24 February 2010
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Open Access
EPICS, the exoplanet imager for the E-ELTPublished online: 24 February 2010
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Open Access
Adapting optimal LQG methods to ELT-sized AO systemsPublished online: 24 February 2010
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Open Access
Correction of quasi-static wavefront errors for ELT with two sequential DMsPublished online: 24 February 2010